Joanne Brunel is the Southern Interior French Network Facilitator. She collaborates with the French coordinators, representatives and the pre-service and in-service educators from the fifteen school districts of the region. This collaboration and networking was created with the goal of further providing accessible, engaging and language rich environments where all students can be successful.
She has taught in Francophone and French immersion programs for more than twenty years and has worked in the school system for over thirty. Her experiences as a teacher assistant, a classroom teacher in Manitoba and B.C., a classroom support teacher, a member of the Instructional Leadership Team and the Early Learning Team at SD23 in addition to her role as SD 23’s District French Language Coordinator have provided her a wide rage of learning opportunities that have helped her to grow as an educator and as a member of the larger French language learning community. She is proud of her francophone heritage and is passionate about inspiring others to experience the richness of the French language and culture.